Henri started accordion studies in Haapsalu Music School (teacher Sirje Roogla) when he was 10 years old and graduated the music school with honors. His studies continued in Tallinn Music High School (teacher Aivi Tilk) from 2012 to 2015 and from fall of 2015 in Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre (teacher Tiina Välja). H. Zibo has been rewarded with III place (2008, 2010) and I place (2012) in the North-West Estonia region accordionist competition; I place in the VII and VIII republican young accordionist competition; II place in a TV contest „Classic Stars 2014“ and II place in a contest „Naujene 2016“ which took place in Latvia, Daugavpils. He has done solo performances with Tallinn Chamber Orchestra, The Orchestra of the Estonian Defence Forces and Estonian National Symphony Orchestra and taken master courses from different accordion masters (Mika Väyrynen, Matti Rantanen, Geir Draugsvoll, Mikko Luoma, Claudia Buder ja Andreas Borregaard). H. Zibo has cooperated with many Estonian musicians and composers: Mihkel Poll, Meelis Vind, Johan Randvere, Marcel Johannes ja Katariina Maria Kits, Marten Kuningas, Marek Sadam, Artjom Savitski, Tauno Aints and maestro Arvo Pärt.

Henri Zibo